Get Involved
Our volunteers and donors make what ETCO does possible. Whether you are able to donate financially, with time, expertise, or materials, every contribution makes a huge difference to local communities.
Donate directly
We are a registered charity in Kenya. You can donate directly to us through the following channels:
Bank details
Cooperative Bank
Account: 01134487784900
Swift code: KCOOKENA
Bank Code: 11
Branch Code: 11123
Lipa na M-PESA
Paybill Number: 400222
Account Number: 1679801

We are always looking for committed volunteers to join our empowerment programs. Volunteers are needed for the Children Empowerment Program, Education Empowerment Program, Environmental Care & Awareness Program, Legal Aid Connection Program, Sports Empowerment Program, Business Empowerment Program, Arts Program, and Health and Sanitation Program.

With our goal to send 20 bright and talented children to school, we are looking for education sponsors to help us hit our goal of KSHS 300,000 for our education fund. This ensures all 20 students have the required school supplies and fees as well as providing employment for a child sponsorship coordinator. Our coordinator will be responsible for follow ups on all children in our education program. Our education sponsors will be asked to cover the cost of one child per term at KSHS 5,000 or per school year at KSHS 15,000.

ETCO believes in pulling resources together. We are looking for individuals who are willing to leverage their connections to provide resources to the many community members who benefit from the ETCO programs. We are also looking for individuals and businesses to attend our annual fundraising event to help support our programs throughout the coming year.

Non-monetary Donation
ETCO would not be possible without the generosity of the many people who believe in our mission and the work we are doing in our community. With donations we are able to keep our current programs running as well as expand our empowerment initiatives to provide more targeted assistance. To make a donations please visit the donation page of our website.

Corporate Support
ETCO is looking to partner with businesses and organizations to provide quality events and programs for the community. We are able to provide targeted volunteer opportunities for company employees that will benefit our business partners such as, reaching a desired demographic, improving a company's brand, and helping move business product. If you would like to become one of our corporate partners please fill out the contact form on the last page of this website.