It was another round of Vaccination today where those who had not receivedany Covid 19 Vaccine were injected with the 1st doze of either Moderna or Astrazeneca.... We are also set for tomorrow. Don't miss out. Tell a friend to tell a frien

On with the fight against Covid-19
Come for your 2nd doze of Covid-19 Vaccination at Undugu Level 2 Hospital on Friday 22nd..... You can get your 1st Vaccination as well. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Prevention is better...

Deeper Focus into Nairobi Dam Conservation Project
Taking Environmental matters in Kibera and it's neighborhood seriously. Our focus being the Nairobi Dam and it's tributaries. It is encouraging to have NMS setting all the relevant facilities towards restoring Nairobi Dam. I had to pay a vi

Nairobi Dam Conservation Project Discussions
We are engaging all the relevant stakeholders, both locally and internationally, in building a strong focus on restoring the magnificent views of Nairobi Dam and it's benefits. ETCO in partnership with NMS Officers in charge of Environment

Kibera Slums Community Vaccination Day 2
It's Day 2 of Covid 19 Vaccination at Undugu Grounds. We started at 9a.m. We shall do this all through this month (Only during weekends on Saturdays and Sundays). Todays turnout is encouraging and we can't wait to see a reopened country. W

Community Vaccination Day 1
People are still skeptical about being vaccinated based on the misinformation and disinformation spread on the effects of Covid 19. However, we still have those who believe that it is important to be vaccinated and they come for the vaccina

KITO visits ETCO
Led by Dr. Asma, KITO Team led by Dr. Marcus Harbord and Fabio Divac visited our office in Kibera, Soweto East. We discussed a lot about our community including how to provide a free and reliable symptoms checker combined with tailored me

Community Vaccination
Kibera Community has a large number of unvaccinated people and yet they are living in a compacted settlement set up which makes it easier for the coronavirus to easily spread out. However, we can also use the same set up to vaccinate a larg

Motivation Sunday
How privileged, an hohonour and a blessing to have Alex Chamwada (CEO - Chams Media) visit us. It was a nice interaction with the youth of Kibera. Offering encouraging talks on career path and passion. Ensuring that we are motivated enough

ETCO Cyber Furnishing + Children Feeding Program
It has been a busy great day today. Being a Saturday, we had our normal feeding program alongside ETCO Cyber furnishing. We believe in connecting talent/skills to relevant opportunities. Job creation, business innovation, and environmental

Good way to end this Month
Children are at home for a week. This is a break for mid-term and normally during this time, we have a huge number of children who come for the feeding program. We are always excited to serve them to the fullest. Today, we had enough to inc

Leave alone the rampant fire incidents in Nyayo Highrise Ward, Lang’ata Constituency, Security matters among other crimes have been incredibly a worse situation in this same area. ETCO - Empower The Community took an initiative earlier toda

Angry August
This month has been a crazy one with several occurrences of fire accompanied by huge loss of properties. Today is another sad day for the Kibera residents of Sunday Studios area as there is another fire outbreak consuming properties and lea