Art is the expression of our imaginations through a visible story... either through dance, drawings, music and any other way of showing how and what you feel. ETCO Art Centre presents an opportunity to talented/skilled members of the infor

People express their feelings in many different ways, so do actors and actresses. They use their talent and skills to educate, entertain or pass relevant messages to a target group. It may be a good inspiration to others. We hope to nurture

Meeting The PS - Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, State Department For Youths
At the Kencom Building with PS. Julius Korir, we discussed various ways in which we can sustainably develop the informal settlement communities in the country through various program activities done by ETCO. We focused on the many ways in w

Feed A Kid
Children Empowerment Program is one of the major activities we do every Saturday to no only keep the children engaged most of their weekend but also teach them life skills, identify various talents, listen to them as we discuss their challe

ETCO Office
All our activities are run and operated from our office located 50m to the right of Cultures Road Off Jesus Winners Road In Kibera Soweto East Village, Nyayo Highrise Ward, Langata Constituency, Nairobi Kenya. WE had initially rented one ro

ETCO Acrobats Using Street Performance for Community Sensitization activities
We use both ETCO Theatre and ETCO Acrobats during streets performance to draw people's attention and finally pass a message intended once they have pulled enough targeted crowed. From March, 2020. we used our acrobatic team to pass out COV

Food and Non-Food Donations
We receive and give out donations to the most vulnerable members of the informal settlement communities. In 2020, we served over 6,000 people with the foods and non-food items we received as away of cushioning them against the hard economi

Smart Children Lacking Education Opportunity
During our Saturdays' children empowerment programs where we interact with at least 200 children a day, we realized that there were a lot of very bright but from very needy families. Most of the children were unable to go back to school due

Environmental Care - Dirt is Fertilizer
Most of informal settlement areas are normally perceived to be so dirty. ETCO has resoluted to working towards ensuring that the informal settlement communities are kept clean and safe for all the living creatures. We therefore endeavor to